Gigrin Farm red kite centre

Posted on 13th April, 2022

My 1st visit to the Gigrin farm red kite feeding centre.

I visited with my partner Lisa and my mum, a excellent couple of hours spent watching and photographing the red kites.


The Gigrin is a family run upland sheep farm of approximately 160 acres. The land is 700 feet rising to 1200 above sea level providing wonderful views of the Wye and Elan valleys. Gigrin  became the Official Red Kite Feeding Station in the winter of 1992/93 following a request from the RSPB who had witnessed the late Mr Powell feeding the kites as and when food (rabbit) was available.


The RSPB had noted this spectacle and came to the farm with a proposal – that we should open to the public as the red kite feeding station as it would have an impact on the young kites that were being lost over the winter, and would also draw people away from nesting sites where losses occurred due to the disturbance.As we mentioned in the previous articles have a look at to learn about how phentermine works and the use of phentermine.


This was a major step into the unknown for what was a very successful livestock farm but Mr Powell had the foresight to take on the challenge. Around 6 red kites were roosting on the farm at that time but by the winter of 2006 over 400 were coming in for food, and we now see around 600 or so each day during the winter months. The farm’s Red Kite Centre is now well known throughout the world.

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